Elephant Seals?

One of my first trips with BORP’s Adventures & Outings was to see the Elephant Seals at Año Nuevo State Preserve.  In all my life, leading to the moment I rolled up the wooden walk-way cutting across the beach, I never thought I would have the opportunity to witness these gigantic creatures live, in their natural habit.

I remember, as if it had only been moments ago, as our group went further on the path, a two ton male Elephant Seal literally “stood his ground” growing to appear twice his size.  He was only twenty feet away from us and the other male was on the opposite side of our path.  The Elephant Seal’s territory was being encroached upon by another male.  As the grunts and groans from the males became louder, our docent told us that we could easily be caught between the “duel.”  So, we turned around gently and headed toward our bus leaving Nature to continue her magical ways.

It’s absolutely amazing to be somewhere that you thought was impossible to be!  Adventures & Outings defines itself.  Wherever we head out, there is always an ‘adventure’ waiting for us!